Calypso Carol < terug
See him alying on a bed of straw Draughty stable with an open door Mary cradling the babe she bore The prince of glory is his name. Oh, now carry me to Bethlehem To see the Lord appear to men Just as poor as was the stable then The prince of glory when he came Star of silver sweeps across the skies Show where Jesus in the manger lies Shepherds swiftly from your stupor rise To see the Saviour of the world. Oh, now carry me to Bethlehem To see the Lord appear to men Just as poor as was the stable then The prince of glory when he came Mine are riches from thy poverty From thine innocence, eternity Mine, forgiveness by thy death for me Child of sorrow, for my joy. Oh, now carry me to Bethlehem To see the Lord appear to men Just as poor as was the stable then The prince of glory when he came Angels, sing again the song you sang Bring God's glory to the heart of man Sing, "Bethlehem's little baby can Be salvation to the soul." Oh, now carry me to Bethlehem To see the Lord appear to men Just as poor as was the stable then The prince of glory when he came
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